Breaking Up With My Old Self.
Nothing seems so important than letting go of your old self, letting go of the old bottle to find a new you and a new bottle filled with new wine.
I cannot express how I feel right now, writing about my old ways, just for me to view a new way of life. My story should encourage my readers not to look back to the things of old but to continue moving and looking ahead. Something beautiful and awesome is out there waiting for us all.
Are you going through the phase of life that you think no one can understand? Well, nobody does understand you better than you. But I can relate.
I was a nobody before now, nobody wants to associate with me, is that your story? You are somebody because the best person I’ve ever met is you reading this piece and I am a friend, you can always reach out to me. I will support you.
A lot of things seem right but wrong, trust me. I don’t know what would have become of me if the old wine was not eradicated. It seems you are lost in the piece right. Let me find you.
You are the best thing that has ever happened to the universal. “DO NOT GIVE UP, keep moving on”.
The main purpose of this piece is to encourage the young mind to focus on what is the best by building a future that is worth it.
I would like to say I broke up with my old self today and my mind is at rest. I am imploring you to let go. Moving from #breakUpgangs# to #ForwardWeGogangs#.
I’m taking advantage of this platform to express my gratitude for reading and supporting me. I hope I’ve been able to motivate you. Check in for additional information from me.