How Was Easter Break At Your End? Mine was Colorful ❤️🔥🥰
This Easter break was fantastic for me since it gave me the opportunity to reflect on and reevaluate my life in a quiet setting. The amusing thing is that I was able to begin a new novel on the topic purpose.
Rick Warren’s book “The Purpose Driven Life” caught my eye while I was browsing my little home shelf. Although I couldn’t recall where I acquired the book, my mind told me that I had borrowed it from a friend and had forgotten to return it. Hello to that friend of mine; if it is your book, it is still in perfect condition, and I will give it back to you soon 🤗. I appreciate you keeping it with me all this time. I believe God has had a purpose for it in my life.
I started reading this book, and because it affected me so deeply, I felt compelled to share it with my virtual family 😊🥰.
It’s a 40-day reading plan, so I haven’t finished it yet. I’ll give you all a recap again, or, even better, we can start together by you starting at your end as well. Later in the article, I will share the URL for the page’s PDF download for people those of us interested in the soft copy. So keep an eye out so you don’t miss it 😘.
I’ve read a couple of books on purpose but this got me right from the first chapter, which says “Unless you assume a God, the question of life’s purpose is meaningless” (Bertrand Russell). This got me thinking about what is my purpose truly in life?, a lot of us have asked this same question what are we created for, why is everything looking different at my end so many questions about what a view.
Then I got the answer to the question I asked and the answer was it is not always about me but about God himself. He already had everything figured out even before he created me, he knows my personality, my behavior, and the people I would be born from or with.
He got everything covered, what was left for me to do was to live in his accordance and some or most of us see this to be a difficult task. I got so deep in the reading that God gave me an understanding of each word that was written in the chapters have read so far and I know He will see me through the rest, likewise you reading this, and I pray you will get a full understanding of God himself.
A lot of words were written boldly for me one of them is that “focusing on myself will never reveal my life’s purpose” Well during the cause of reading this book I personalized every word written in it, it is like a direct message to me and you. Most of us focus more on ourselves, yes it is not a bad thing to do, but please let us focus more on God the creator of mankind.
I listen to motivational speakers like Steve Harvey, Oprah Winfrey, and many more, they never leave God out in their speeches. This is to tell us that we are nothing without the mighty one of Israel, God himself.
There was one time I was listening to Letitia Wright’s interview, the female version of black panther and she mentioned something about how she now handles “NO”.
This got stuck in my head and I went back to God, Father teach me also how to say “NO” to everything that does not involve you. I got an asap response, now when anyone brings any issue of any sort, what comes to my mind first each time is Holy Spirit please take over and Holy Spirit directs my speeches and my responses, and not once has He failed me and no He won’t.
Let me ask you a question what is life to you? Do you have a defined meaning to life, no right or was your answer a yes, based on other people’s perspective of life? Have you sat down to put meaning to life yourself, by going deeper into yourself and asking what life really means to you? This holiday took me on a journey I had not encountered before and it opened my eyes to a lot of things that I would be sharing with us today.
The first on the list is:
Who is God to you: To me, he is my father, my healer, my deliverer, my helper, my everything. What about you? Can you answer this question also, who God is to you?
The second is: What is my purpose on earth: I am still on this journey of self-discovery, but I readily got my answer, my purpose is to fulfill God’s purpose.
Yea, I know you would like to ask so what is God’s purpose? Okay, so different people have different purposes, but we all have one in common preaching the gospel that is why I am here today to say, seek ye first the kingdom of heaven according to God’s word in Mathew 6:33 and he said every other thing will be added unto us.
It is a common ground we all leave the first part of his word and we start to look for every other thing ourselves. God will help us and guide us through his word, Amen 🙏.
The third thing on my list is: why fear? I know a lot of us have a phobia for one thing or the other, I do also but when I got this answer that God knows everything, all my fears are gone because now my burdens are of the Lord and I am free and free indeed.
So I want to implore us to take all our fears to God, there is a song that came to my mind now which is:
“Why should I fear when I have you, surrounded by your love, your everlasting love? Why should I care what people say, they don’t know what you mean to me, for I already know what you mean to me. So this was the song that kept on ringing in my ears, I already know what God means to me. What about you?
We all care about what people say about us, but I would like to tell you that people’s perception of you doesn’t define you. Let me share a short story about myself, before now I was so slim I do wear a size 8 gown and my shirts were size 6 to 7 depending on the brand basically, but now I wear size 10 for my gowns and I do get ha, you are now too big and that.
The funny part of this is that I started going to the gym at first with the mindset of slimming down, then the Holy Spirit called me along the way, you are beautiful the way you are, who gave the world the mindset that slim is the way out or if you add up you are not beautiful. This really helped me to channel my energy into gyming to get myself fit and smart and I really love myself this way, happy, and full of smiles. So when people ask me why I go to the gym? I say for the peace of my mind.
So today, I want to say to you also that you are unique, you are smart, you are intelligent, you are brilliant, beautiful, and the best. So wear your smile every day because God is the owner of each day, likewise you. So be happy, you are always doing well. You get this 💯🥰.
The next is: I am not a mistake: wow, so I am not a mistake, you know before now I do think I was not meant to come into this world with the circumstances around my birth and the stories behind it, but me finding out, that I was not born out of mistake, took my joy to another level.
I know some of us sometimes hear from our parents that if not for this one-time mistake I was not have meant to give birth to you. I so much laughed when I remembered this saying, and getting God’s response to it, so God had it all planned out already and he took over my parent's plans.
God thank you 😊 😘, you did well, because how would I have been able to write this now 😂, all the fun in life, so I would have missed it and all these wonderful souls connected to me would have been connected to someone else. God thank you over and over.
Okay, so today I will be dropping my pen here and we will sit back on this anytime soon. Let me get back to reading and getting more insight.
Thanks for always reading and watching out for me, I want to say I really don’t take it for granted. Thanks once more.
Fasten your seatbelt because I have more interesting and tasty information to share with you all. Until then, I am yours sincerely Wind_y_ter 🥰🤗.
here is the link to download the pdf from pdf drive: